What better way to remind myself of where I am than to go up to that big pointy tower thing that seems to get everywhere in my photos? Black Mountain is where it stands, though for some reason my mind keeps making alternative names for these places – Slack Mountain, Dead Hill, Mount Pains me…(yeah, OK, I’m starting to get as deranged as that monkey)
The Telstra Tower looks OK from a distance (say from Mount Pains Me with the sun setting over it and Slack Mountain) but close up it is quite a concrete monstrosity really. The best place to be though is inside where the views are never anything less than panoramic.

This is Canberra man, where are the buildings?!!
Well, just left of my right elbow is Parliament House and maybe if I was to raise my arm a bit I would be pointing at about where I live. After nearly four months here I feel like it is my home (for the time-being at least) and I kind of know what’s going on round here. I even managed to negotiate the journey from Slack Mountain back to Barton (no nicknames for that yet…suggestions welcome) without the need for a map!
The Telstra Tower looks OK from a distance (say from Mount Pains Me with the sun setting over it and Slack Mountain) but close up it is quite a concrete monstrosity really. The best place to be though is inside where the views are never anything less than panoramic.

This is Canberra man, where are the buildings?!!

I knew that this was looking out towards Mounts Ainslie (right) and Majura (left) and that Majura is slightly higher than Ainslie even though it doesn’t always look it.

As you can see, that pointy tower thing still manages to get in the photos! I wonder if they decorate it with Christmas lights?
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