The journey wasn’t quite over at Coolangatta airport, where I picked up a nice hire car (Toyota Camry) and proceeded to drive with the handbrake still on for 5kms (what’s that burning smell?!)

So, the buffet breakfast in the morning should’ve been a blissful return to food heaven but in truth it wasn’t. Not terrible, just nowhere near everything I was hoping for and more. Look at me, whinging Pom! Let’s get on with the good things…
Well, Burleigh Heads has a typical Aussie strip of sand n surf, which I walked on first thing…can’t complain at that. I then drove to a delightful spot called Currimbin on a little sandy-Mangrovy-bushy creek.

So more work took me up to a place called Southport in the morning and then onto Surfers Paradise…think of Miami down under – a strip of sparkling towers and apartments between an endless stretch of sand on one side and numerous inlets and waterways on the other. Due to the incredibly hard work that I had put in (and I always do of course), I was able to finish at about 3pm, so I had 3 hours or so, just me and the car I was starting to like more and more, to see the sights. So what do you do on the Gold Coast? Well, go to the beach, sunbathe and test the warmest waters I have been into so far in Australia wasn’t a bad start. This is the slightly surreal sight of the towers of Surfers which seem to get higher the closer they get to the beach, casting a shadow on sunbathers in the hot afternoons (how considerate).

After that, I trundled down the Gold Coast Highway to a more natural setting of Burleigh Heads National Park. Now you think of National Parks as big great open expanses of wilderness, but this is really just a headland between two beaches. It was a beautiful little walk though, through semi-tropical bush and with views both to the north and south. This is looking south towards Palm Beach, Coolangatta and south of the border, down New South Wales way.

There seemed to be lots of birds that looked like small turkeys rustling about in the park - nothing like a few rustles in the wilderness to give you a fright – as well as this lizard basking on a rock.

The trail looped back along the coast and to the south end of Burleigh Beach, where, seemingly, like dude, there is some radical tube from the like swell hitting the southerly current thing man on the north facing curve of the bay and the breaker has like you know churned on the westie.

1 comment:
Hello Neil
I hope you are well and not too much suffuring with the hot temperatures in Australia
I wish you all the best for 2007
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