I awoke to a trail of mini Easter eggs lining the hallway and an early morning egg hunt organised by Lauren. She was up early hiding little eggs including some outside, a few of which were pinched by the annoying pair of crows who hang around. They didn’t grab the one hiding in my smelly trainers for some reason though.
Full on breakfast and a little dose of chocolate I picked up Caroline and headed off along the Kings Highway to the coast, over the typically cloudy Clyde Mountain and down to
Murramarang National Park, just north of Batemans Bay. We parked up at Depot Beach and proceeded to walk along the varied coastline of sand, rocks and pebbles backed by towering white eucalypts.
Full on breakfast and a little dose of chocolate I picked up Caroline and headed off along the Kings Highway to the coast, over the typically cloudy Clyde Mountain and down to

After a couple of pebbly bays we reached the sandy realms of Pebbly Beach (yeah, does that make sense?!). It’s nothing remarkable for the South Coast…a beautiful sandy beach with lashings of clear water surrounded by rugged bushland!

Pebbly Beach is quite renowned for its wildlife, particular kangaroos and wallabies hanging around on the beach.
However, today they were hiding away somewhere, probably put off by the families and hoons who had gathered here for the Easter weekend. We did however see this big lizard, he was probably about 5 feet in length and enjoying all the attention.
Later on in the day we did see some kangaroos, hanging around a picnic ground where some families were playing cricket down in the town of Durras. I don’t know if they were making up the numbers in the field but perhaps England could see if they are eligible and sign them up.

Later on in the day we did see some kangaroos, hanging around a picnic ground where some families were playing cricket down in the town of Durras. I don’t know if they were making up the numbers in the field but perhaps England could see if they are eligible and sign them up.
As the day passed on and the sun lowered in the sky we stopped off at Tabourie Beach, which was a beautiful last stop, bathed in golden sunshine, stretches of sand disappearing in the distance. I dipped my feet in the warmish water whilst Caroline got to fly her kite, so all in all a very productive and successful stop.

Another objective was ticked off shortly after as we had an ice cream at a service station / post office / local store / bait place / takeaway / bottle shop all-in-one off the Princes Highway. And then, as the daylight faded it was off over the mountain and across the tablelands back to Canberra. A busy but excellent way to spend Easter Sunday, capped off by a little more chocolate to finish the day.
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