It was a weekend of nostalgia as two thirds of my London 'family' had made it across the ditch from New Zealand for a few days together in Sydney. Sydney put on its best face as winter approaches with 22C days and brilliant blue skies! Here are Ollie and Jenn on our sparkling saturday.

I think there might be a cockatoo in this photo...

We walked through the Botanic Gardens and Woolloomooloomoomooloolmoo, finally reaching the spruced up daytime pleasantry of Kings Cross. It was some seven years ago that I met Jenn when we were both mixing with crazy Germans in a hostel called
The Pink House (along with Melita who alas could not be present but was flying the flag in Italy). Anyway, she hunted me down, got me drunk and persuaded me to live in Nether Street in Finchley. I think she knew at the time what a great BBQ chef I would make. So whence small pink house coloured seeds doth beautiful friendship trees grow! We both have a lot to thank this place for.
It was all rather charming, reminiscing away past the drug pushers of Kings Cross, innocently taking in a 'bookshop' and getting served a drink by a woman out of her tree in a pub which I seem to remember being far busier and smoky, and not showing some lame PGA golf!

It was all rather charming, reminiscing away past the drug pushers of Kings Cross, innocently taking in a 'bookshop' and getting served a drink by a woman out of her tree in a pub which I seem to remember being far busier and smoky, and not showing some lame PGA golf!
All this revisiting yesteryear was rather tiring, so we headed back to where we were staying in Coogee (via a Virgin not-so-megastore), where we later hit the highlights of the Coogee Bay Hotel, catching up for more Finchley talk with Caroline and Jill.

In the evening, we did a good job of preparing Jenn and Ollie for Thailand by eating loads of delicious food at the rather originally named "Thai Me Down" in Coogee.
Despite a few glasses of wine we managed to make it home without getting intercepted by the Intoxication Squad.
Oh does one ever tire of blue skies? ***sigh*** Certainly not when taking a stroll in the early morning along a sandy beach such as Coogee.

Later in the day we used much of Sydney's transport network, apart from the monorail, monorail, MONORAIL!

Later still it was off to the ever-popular home to developing mentalists, Manly, really just for the ride, but we had a wonder round a few of the shops and along the promenade.

Lot's of pictures of me this week aren't there? Don't tell me I never treat you now will you?!
The light faded as we boarded the ferry back, catching a glowing sky over the homes of aforementioned developing nutjobs (you know who you are!!)
By time we rounded Bradley's Head, the city lights were twinkling and we soaked up more of the city from our dinner spot on Darling Harbour. One final use of the daytripper ticket took us back to Coogee and pretty much the end of an immensely satisfying few days with the old codgers from way back when.
P.S. Some messages....
Congratulations Mr & Mrs Ferrari... we celebrated for you despite the threat of the Intoxication Squad
Happy 5th birthday Bethany, glad you liked the presents!
Bon Voyage Jenn & Ollie, thanks for the fun times and see you in the motherland
Welcome back to the motherland to Pops and Sonia, mmm Branston, cheese, mmmmmmm....