Oi...get your mitts off my sister!

You wouldn't have thought this was possible when they turned up in pyjamas at nine in the morning...

Busy being ushers (I want that poster on the wall behind me!)...

I stayed around this area, trawling the streets, having two or three coffees watching the world go by. Now, obviously Milan is known for fashion and I was clearly out of place in my daggy grey shorts, cheapo blue T shirt and white socks and trainers (I know, never a good look but I was short of clothes). I was still quite amazed sometimes though at just how good looking some of the people were! It was quite a pleasure sitting down drinking some good coffee and watching the world go by.
Strangely, maybe to counterbalance the attractiveness, there were a few sculptures and statues around of plump looking ladies, maybe as a reminder to those beautiful people shopping to avoid the McDonalds sitting out of place in the grand shopping arcade?!
I was killing time now until my flight was due to leave, so I wandered some more and sat down at one of the restaurants lining the streets for some lunch. As I hadn’t done pasta yet I decided it was time for a spot of spaghetti which was, frankly, disappointing but then I guess if you go eat in a touristy place…
And with that, it was into a cab for the ride to the airport and a flight back to London followed by a train through the sunny evening skies of Wiltshire and Somerset down to finally, at last, Plymouth Devon England. Home.