The rise from the post-Christmas holiday lull has been as rapid as that of the thermometer… new iPods, meaty BBQs, lovingly made coffee all trumped hands down by the simple fact that it is summer. With the heat topping 38C in the week I was itching to get to the coast and made my way down there for the day on Sunday. It was a pretty standard trip to the south coast of New South Wales, where things are so blessed you just simply point your car in an easterly direction and you are guaranteed some vivid sea, sandy sand and bushy bush.

The first such place was Myrtle Beach, reached by avoiding lizards down a dirt track in Murramarang National Park, providing the first sand in toes and feet in water experience of 2009. Back on the highway, random road trip playlist 1 on shuffle and a great bit of road underneath the wheels, I headed further North to

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