Hard as it is to believe, I didn’t take any photos this past weekend! It wasn’t a conscious decision and I even took the camera for a jaunt round the Botanic Gardens earlier today but was content with a snapless stroll. Sure, it was less suited to other weekend activities, which included a bracing round of golf on Saturday, and a very middle aged Sunday of morning tennis, afternoon naps, car washing and roast dinner. What I think happened is that the voices inside my head were thinking, ‘ho hum, we didn’t do our blog last weekend did we Neil,’ ‘No we didn’t Neil, even though we went to the coast,’ ‘Oh yes, thanks for reminding me Neil,’ ‘that’s OK, Neil, by the way, looking good today,’ ‘Why thanks old chap.’
So in an effort to shut the voices up, here are some pics from last week (they’re, like, soooo last week). It’s coming flooding back to me now, it was a blue sky day, whizzing to brunch beside the Bay at Bateman’s, taking a walk through forests and lakes, slurping an ice cream in Mogo, watching the day unwind at Broulee, and finishing it with fish and chips. Food. Activity. Food. The meaning of life.
So in an effort to shut the voices up, here are some pics from last week (they’re, like, soooo last week). It’s coming flooding back to me now, it was a blue sky day, whizzing to brunch beside the Bay at Bateman’s, taking a walk through forests and lakes, slurping an ice cream in Mogo, watching the day unwind at Broulee, and finishing it with fish and chips. Food. Activity. Food. The meaning of life.

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