There are two very pleasing things about the fact that I am writing this tucked up from the rain in the bricks and beige of a random motel room on a Sunday evening. The first, that I am writing this at all, is no doubt pleasing for you as well, but if I’d listened to the weathermen I might have nothing much to say at all, inexplicably stranded in Canberra for Canberra Day. The fact that it is Sunday evening – and it has only just started raining – has left me feeling blessed all weekend.
This contrast from Radiohead to Mika resembled the mood swing that accompanies that first day of Spring in England, usually a random day in March that strikes you out of the blue with temperatures in the teens, where people suddenly shed clothes,
Those storm clouds, yeah. Never did appear. In fact, it was getting
On a bit of a whim (spontaneity and all that), I had chucked some golf clubs in my car, thinking I could perchance stumble upon a golf course if the weather was dry and the conditions ripe.
And so the day that promised little delivered much. Early evening, the sun sinking, the breeze cooling, sharing the long curve of Mollymook beach with a scattering of happy kids, thrill sinking wave lovers and contented fisherman. This is nice.
Sunday Sunday, and it seems from the wetness on my car that the skies had delivered overnight. The charmed life continued however, a shower cloud skirting past the shoreline and missing Mollymook and my breakfast table.
For respite from the dazzling white, you can of course at appropriate points aim your car inland towards the more soothing green farmland and moister lushness of the coastal ranges. As much as the beaches are adorable, it is customary on such trips for a random detour up a winding dirt road. It seems to be the Magna, begging me to unleash it from the boring tarmac and ride the great gravel ribbon through the bush.
All this fun had tired me and the car out and I had one of the best afternoon naps ever on Sunday, while the car took a little rest itself in a cosy little car park. By now the cloud was thickening and what was expected a long time ago finally arrived, expelling me to the brick and brown surrounds to regurgitate some verbose waffle about glorious weather and dazzling beaches (see above).
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