Late on Friday I found myself in the position of being in the Southern Highlands with a full tank of gas and just my few remaining brain cells for company. The gas easily and my brain cells barely got me to Kangaroo Valley for the night, cabin-less and consequently just having my tent keeping me safe from the very cool night and one of the noisiest campgrounds in the southern hemisphere. I couldn’t quite see my breath but it wasn’t far off as I awoke to a dewy, misty morning and explored around the area, which is beautiful – the most beautiful valley in Australia according to the leaflets.

A 20km jaunt through the country and narrowly avoiding adding to the kangaroo roadkill took me to
Tallowa Dam, simply serene in the early light. More winding country roads propelled me up hill and down dale to Berry and then south from the green fields to the white sands of Jervis Bay.
OK, early March, sunshine out, should be perfect to chill out on the beach but thanks to the strong southerly wind the only bloody chill I got was a small dose (currently – could get worse) of manflu! The sands were as white (the whitest in the world, perhaps?!) as ever down at Callala Beach.

OK, early March, sunshine out, should be perfect to chill out on the beach but thanks to the strong southerly wind the only bloody chill I got was a small dose (currently – could get worse) of manflu! The sands were as white (the whitest in the world, perhaps?!) as ever down at Callala Beach.

Further up the coast was more dramatic coastline, capped by the mighty Kiama Blowhole, a somewhat small distraction in reality, but quite fun to mingle with the crowds who had come to see the sea spray up through the rocks (Overheard quote of the day: “Is that it?” from one blonde Sheila from Wollongong)

Tracking back inland through Jamberoo, I visited Minnamurra Rainforest, cashing in on my national parks pass and taking a refreshing, head clearing (oops, more brain cells lost) stroll along the raised boardwalk.

Of all the windy roads I have been on from coast to the country or vice versa, I then took what was definitely the hardest drive, steep bends sending the CDs flying and the coke spilling as the car crept up Jamberoo Mountain Pass. God I love my car, I put it through such crap and it never moans. My friend, workhorse and occasional bedroom.

The Falls are pretty much back in the Southern Highlands where I started about 24 hours before, in what would be a neat and tidy ending to a short story. Ha, but there’s one last twist, and probably the most dramatic, visually stunning sight of the whole weekend. Oh boy I’m building this one up huh…

Probably the worst big thing I have seen – it looks like a turd, stinks of pee and doesn’t even have a gift shop selling potato related fridge magnets and stubby holders. Hmm, I think I may be on the rice and pasta for a while.
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