Officially I guess now is autumn and the leaves are beginning to fall, but no-one has told the big fella upstairs who is blessing us with endless scorchio days which you never want to end. It's been perfect for Canberra's 95th birthday celebrations which seem to stretch as long as this hot dry spell.

And last night, anything Sydney can do, Canberra can do, well maybe not quite better but not bad. as Skyfire 20 hit the shores of the lake, a spectacular fireworks display. Not only were there fireworks to see but the ingenuity of the Canberra hoons came to the fore as couches were piled onto utes, BBQs were set up, vans became temporary discos for underage drinkers and glowstick sales hit the roof.
With all this jollyness going on I've almost forgotten Easter is right around the corner. With this weather the chocolate eggs may well be a gooey mess, but I'm not complaining. Complaining? That's for whingin' Poms!
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