There can be nothing more pleasing than rising above freezing Canberra fog and a few hours later meandering along tropical rivers and plants in shorts. Sure, you may be in Rockhampton – hardly the tropical tourist paradise of Queensland – but you are in Rocky and it is 26 degrees and pretty much perfect. Even the wide brown terror that is the Fitzroy River is looking placid. All you need now to make it a perfect Sunday is a good XXXX.

I’m sure the wonderful locals of this part of the world would not disagree when I say Rocky is not the most appealing of tropical Queensland towns. But that’s part of its very appeal, the everyday bogan vibe of utes and raised wooden verandas and wandering slightly lost on to the ‘wrong side of the tracks’, people sort of checking you out as they mow their lot or tinker with their Holden. This sounds odd, and perhaps it goes back to my younger years perched on the edge of Swilly, but there’s something comforting about that.
Anyways, my wanderings eventually led to where I was intending which was the very un-janner-like Kershaw Park, and a serene shady spot of tropical greens and a rather grand ornamental pond completed with waterfalls.
After a couple of days work I finished the final day just with enough daylight for a final XXXX beside the river and felt very content all of a sudden. Lucky even. And with that lingering beery glow I was off down south to Brisbane. The locals warned me it was cold down there and I was like...I live in Canberra! And then Thursday only goes and ends up being one of the coldest June days ever and a maximum temperature below that of Canberra. OK, so it was thirteen degrees, but you know that almost qualifies it as being a ‘big freeze’.
Evidence of the flooding is not hard to find when you speak to people though, and this kept me fairly busy until the end of Friday. Keeping me busier into Friday night was liquid of a happier kind...several thirst quenching beverages with Brisbane locals, and a rather delicate disposition to commence the long weekend. Marginally helped by breakfast in West End (I at least felt less sick), it was time to gather up Queens Birthday Weekend mates Jill and Jason, and head on up to the Sunshine Coast. I’ve has mixed weather in the Sunshine Coast, sometimes blessed, others cursed with storms and chill winds streaming off the Pacific. This weekend had both. It really should be renamed Sunshine Coast With A Chance Of Heavy Downpours. Be a nightmare to update the road signs though.
While the remainder of Saturday was spent avoiding the rain, doggedly eating alfresco undercover, Sunday dawned surprisingly okayish. No rain anyhow, and progressively brighter as we took the Skoda down by the Big Pineapple, through Kevin and Wayne’s hood, and up the hills to Mapleton. The kind of place you come for Sunday coffee and cake, though don’t expect it anytime soon. We probably could have ordered the coffee then gone for our little jolly nature walk in and around Mapleton Falls and picked it up on the way back. The nature walk though was just as pleasant post-coffee, all the requisite rainforest type things, and perfectly suitable for Queenslanders in camouflaged pink thongs.

While the landscape is undoubtedly Australian hinterland, there is that decidedly peculiar attachment to Europe that comes with being slightly above sea level and ideally placed for day trips. A French restaurant with cocks everywhere (yep, just like France), a Scottish and Irish shoppe with Irn Bru and Daniel O’Donnell, a wooden chalet crammed with cuckoo clocks. And cheese, good delicious overpowering fromagey cheese. Dare I say too much cheese? Yes there is such a thing... my raclette literally a whole block melted in the oven on a few potatoes and garnished with token pickled onions.
Sooooo good, but, as memorably quoted by Mr J Davis, “you do feel a bit dirty afterwards”. Cleansing in part was a late afternoon stop on a windswept ridge overlooking the Glass House Steve Irwin Australia Zoo Mountains. Not quite or not really the Alps, but equally distinctive in their own right.
More cleansing was a return to sea level, and the last of the day on Mooloolaba Beach. Not only is Mooloolaba a great name and much fun to say,
its beach is really rather fine, and the crystal curls of surf glittering in the orange light marked an end to a day which under-promised and over-delivered. And it definitely over-over-delivered on cheese, thanks to Mrs Davis’ homemade veggie lasagne for dinner.
The last day on this trip to the Queen’s Land was supposed to be the Queen’s birthday or something. Official or real, I’m not sure, but regardless it’s a day off, so bless you ma’am. And like on all good public holidays, the shorts were back and the weather fine. A few hours in Noosa the perfect opportunity to feel hot for the first time since March.
Feet in the water for the last time in a while... I suspect the next time they see sea may be Spain. And more food courtesy of the Surf Club. Okay, so maybe you can keep those Sunshine Coast signs the way they are. For me, it’s back to the big freeze.
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