Today I saw more of the ACT than ever before thanks to a westcountry propelled people carrier (cheers Georgina!). It wasn't long after leaving home and heading west that the landscape turned dry and barren, not helped by the extensive damage in this area due to 2003 bushfires.
After a winding drive through a sandy landscape, and a brief stop beside the Murrumbidgee River, we reached Tidbinbilla Nature reserve.

Here's Georgina and I at the overlook - the hills in the background are over 1000 metres high, so we're getting a bit of altitude going on round here!
Things had taken a turn for the better and to follow were countless close encounters with the kangaroos. The second ice cream of the day (yes, second!) was spent watching these guys boinging their way down to a watering hole.

The drive back took me through parts of the deep south (aka Tuggeranong) for the first time and some Portuguese food later in the evening capped off a fine day.
1 comment:
You have summed up the day perfectly, it was disapointing not to see any of the 8 kwalas in that huge enclosure! But it turned out to be a great day.I look forward to more adventues together.
P.S: I wish I could keep up to date with all my travels as well as you do.
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